C2SM AI/ML Planning Workshop
21 November, 9 am - 12 pm, ETH HG E42
Target audience: C2SM members (professors, head of groups), C2SM Ex. Office
With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning (ML) in the weather and climate sciences, C2SM is now planning to offer services and support in this field. With this workshop, we intend to provide an overview on ongoing activities in large-scale research projects such as the Swiss AI initiative and ECMWF's WeatherGenerator, as well as to gain a perspective on which AI/ML activities are already going on in the community. We are then going to explore C2SM’s potential contributions to this area and how we are going to set this new activity up within the framework of the working groups.
Please find the agenda, registration form, and input form below.
Please register (and potentially send us your input concerning potential C2SM AI/ML services) until Friday 15 November 2024.
Part 1: Current activities and developments
9:00 Introduction (T. Schnadt)
9:05 Overview AI/ML in weather & climate (O. Fuhrer)
9:20 Q&A
9:30 Three generic ML projects and implications for C2SM (S. Schemm)
9:45 Q&A
9:55 Group pitches of ML activities (all, 3 min per group, 1-3 slides): How is your research based on AI/ML? Which platforms and tools do you use? How do you envision services from C2SM?
10:45 Coffee break
Part 2: Discussion
11:00 How can C2SM support AI/ML developments and research? How to implement AI/ML activities in the C2SM framework? Should there be a new working group or should we integrate the topic into existing working groups? How to realise AI/ML in terms of personal resources at C2SM?
Confirmation registration C2SM AI/ML Workshop
Thank you for registering for the C2SM AI/ML Workshop on 21 November.
Your input to C2SM AI/ML Workshop
Thank you for sending us your input concerning AI/ML services at C2SM.