C2SM Community Day 2016

24 November 2016 13:00-15:45

ETH Zürich HG E3

The meeting brought together the C2SM Community giving the opportunity to learn more about support provided by C2SM, to help shape the future of the Center, and to have informal exchange with long-term colleagues and new faces.


Session 1: Community Services and Thematic Working Groups

13:00 Tina Schnadt: Welcome and overall achievements
13:10 Colombe Siegenthaler-Le Drian / Urs Beyerle: Global climate modeling
13:20 Colombe Siegenthaler-Le Drian: Regional climate modeling
13:30 Urs Beyerle: Data and Web Services
13:40 Tarun Chadha: Scientific Visualization
13:55 Tina Schnadt: Communication and outreach
14:05 Discussion

Session 2: Future of C2SM/Partner and External Presentations

14:15 Nicolas Gruber: Future of C2SM
14:25 Kuno Strassmann (C2SM): From CH2011 to CH2018 - steps towards a new generation of Swiss Climate Change Scenarios
14:40 Xavier Lapillonne (MeteoSwiss): COSMO-NExT: new models on hyprid HPC architecures in operation
14:55 Marco Giorgetta (MPI-M, Hamburg): Current development and usage of the ICON model system
15:25 Discussion

15:45 Coffee "Asia Mensa", CLA building