
We provide services and support for activities related to atmospheric high-​performance computing, weather and climate modelling, climate scenarios, and climate impacts in the areas of research, education, and outreach.


The ICON modelling framework is a joint project between the external page German Weather Service (DWD) and the external page Max Planck Institute for Meteorology for developing a unified next-generation global numerical weather prediction and climate modelling system. The ICON framework includes the components atmosphere, ocean, land surface, as well as traces gases and aerosols. ICON has been used for national weather forecasts at external page DWD since 2015. It is now also increasingly used for research purposes, also in C2SM member groups. Within the C2SM EXCLAIM openETH project, ICON will be adapted for extreme-scale modelling on modern supercomputing architectures.

More information on ICON at


The COSMO-Model is a nonhydrostatic limited-area atmospheric prediction model. It has been designed for both operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) and various scientific applications on the meso-scale. The basic version of the COSMO-Model was developed at  external page DWD. Subsequent developments related to the model have been organised within external page COSMO, the Consortium for Small-Scale Modelling. COSMO is still being used for national weather forecasts at our partner institution, the external page Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss. It is also used by several C2SM member groups for regional weather and climate research.

More information on COSMO at


The Community Earth System Model (CESM) is a fully-coupled, global climate model which includes the atmosphere, ocean, ice, land surface, carbon cycle, and other components, and provides state-of-the-art computer simulations of the Earth's past, present, and future climate states. The CESM project is supported primarily by the United States National Science Foundation external page (NSF). Administration of the CESM is maintained by the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory external page (CGD) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research external page (NCAR). CESM is public domain software. 

More information on CESM at


C2SM provides technical services that support members in their use and development of weather and climate models. These services are broken down into two categories: tasks and regular support. Tasks are one-time assignments that usually entail development of a new model feature, acceleration/optimisation of a model feature, or other technical improvements to a model. Tasks are proposed by one or more C2SM members and approved by the C2SM working groups. Regular support refers to the C2SM effort to ensure that all of the supported software are running correctly on the supported computing systems. This includes hosting the software for easy distribution to members, regular testing of supported software, and helping to resolve issues members have with running and compiling supported software.


This is a new service of the extradepartmental centre C2SM, which is currently being ramped-up. The activities around Swiss climate scenarios and impact research will focus on data quality and control, management, and processing. We also aim at integrating impact models into the processing chains of our climate models. 

You can find an overview of already provided datasets on our Wiki

C2SM also provides support for outreach and educational activities, such as technical trainings, the Swiss Climate Summer School, and ETH-Klimarunde, a public event on current topics around climate change.

C2SM User Landing Page

Helpful information for the C2SM community members, such as tools, manuals, and scripts on the climate models stored and maintained at C2SM, can be found at the external page C2SM User Landing Page.

Specifically, you will also find information on how to obtain regular support and about the procedures for task assignment from groups, third-party, and C2SM community projects at the external page User Support and external page Tasks subpages, respectively.

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