Git for Advanced Workshop 2024

Wednesday, September 25th, 2024
9 AM - 12.30 PM
ETH Zurich, HG F33.1
This course "Git for Advanced" is a follow up of our workshop "Git for Beginners" that was held on April 11th, 2024.
This Git workshop consists of two parts: a demonstration of the workflow of software development using a Git web interface, and presentation and practical exercises of select advanced Git commands.
The participants should bring their own laptop with Git installed and running on a Linux or MacOS shell. They should also have a GitHub account and an SSH key linked to it. More detailed instructions are available external page here.
Target participants
The workshop is offered to C2SM community members (all staff of professors/group leaders who are C2SM members). For this workshop you need to know basic Git commands. If you have visited the "Git for Beginners" course, you are well prepared for this course.
Git for Advanced
i) Git workflow in a Git web interface
Presentation of a simple workflow in a collaborative project. The working environment currently used for ICON model development will be presented as an example: forks, pull request and issue tracking, etc.
ii) Advanced Git commands
More advanced Git commands will be covered with short presentations and interactive exercises, including advanced features of 'git log' and 'git diff', nesting Git repositories with submodules, ignoring files, using 'git cherry-pick' and 'git rebase', debugging with 'git bisect', and using custom Git hooks.
Registration (for C2SM community members only)
- Registration is open to all members of the C2SM community. If you have troubles with your registration, please send an email to Annika Lauber ().
- Please tick yes for the button to receive a copy of this form.
- After filling out the form, you will need to confirm your application and press send again.
Confirmation: Registration successful
Thank you for your registration for the Worskhop "Git for Advanced" that will take place on Wednesday September 25, 2024.
We will confirm your spot, once we have reviewed all applications.