C2SM News
“Switzerland’s glaciers could vanish completely by 2100”

Switzerland’s glaciers are in increasingly poor shape. If greenhouse gas emissions are not cut drastically soon, they could cease to exist by 2100 – so says ETH Professor Daniel Farinotti in this ETH News interview to mark the first World Day for Glaciers.
How climate extremes fuel droughts and heavy rains

Global warming causes extreme temperatures – this is clear to most, but few realize that both droughts and heavy rains are symptomatic of a climate in crisis. Sonia Seneviratne explains the far-reaching impacts of climate extremes.
Interpreting traces of arsenic in rain

On the Pic du Midi in the Pyrenees, ETH Zurich researchers have analysed particulate matter, clouds and rainwater for traces of arsenic. Using newly developed measurement methods, they have elucidated the transport pathways of the environmental toxin in the atmosphere.
Nicolas Gruber awarded with Roger Revelle Medal 2024

On December 11, Prof. Nicolas Gruber was awarded the Roger Revelle Medal at the AGU Honors Ceremony.
Six C2SM members among the highly cited researchers 2024

C2SM members Erich Fischer, Nicolas Gruber, Reto Knutti, Andreas Prein, Sonia Seneviratne, and Niklaus Zimmermann are (once again) on the "Highly Cited Researchers" list!