Congratulations to Sonia Seneviratne for receiving an ERC Proof of Concept Grant

Sonia Seneviratne, professor for Land-Climate Dynamics at ETH Zurich and C2SM member, receives a Proof of Concept Grant awarded by the European Research Council (ERC). The grant secures her work on the MESMER-X project, which is building on the previous ERC “DROUGHT-HEAT” grant by Seneviratne. The researcher and her group are developing a new Earth System Model (ESM) emulator providing climate extremes projections generally available to scientists, policy-makers and society.
Prolonged Siberian heat almost impossible without climate change

The recent prolonged Siberia heat from January to June 2020 would have been almost impossible without the influence of human-caused climate change. This conclusion was reached by an international team of researchers in cooperation with the Russian P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology and various European weather services. Sonia Seneviratne, Mathias Hauser and Flavio Lehner from ETH Zurich were involved in the study.
Klimawandel verändert verfügbares Landwasser

Wo wieviel Landwasser verfügbar ist, verändert sich weltweit. Ein internationales Forschungsteam unter Leitung der ETH Zürich weist nun erstmals nach, dass der menschgemachte Klimawandel für die beobachteten Veränderungen des verfügbaren Landwassers verantwortlich ist.