Nicolas Gruber awarded with Roger Revelle Medal 2024

On December 11, Prof. Nicolas Gruber was awarded the Roger Revelle Medal at the AGU Honors Ceremony.
Six C2SM members among the highly cited researchers 2024

C2SM members Erich Fischer, Nicolas Gruber, Reto Knutti, Andreas Prein, Sonia Seneviratne, and Niklaus Zimmermann are (once again) on the "Highly Cited Researchers" list!
The road to Net Zero is rocky, but feasible

A sustainable transition to a climate-friendly and biodiversity-rich Switzerland is only possible if we tackle the energy transition, climate change mitigation and biodiversity loss together. This will not be easy, but it is worthwhile and ultimately indispensable, says Reto Knutti.
WeatherGenerator project aims to recast machine learning for Earth system modelling

The EU Horizon project called WeatherGenerator aims to use machine learning in novel ways to model related Earth system processes.
"BREATHE" art project: A journey to the origins of the air we breathe

Where does the air we breathe come from? With his installation "BREATHE" at the ETH main building, artist Khalil Berro questions the shared resource of air. His work is based on calculations from the Atmospheric Dynamics Group at ETH Zurich.