CarboCount CH - Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Fluxes (2012-2014)

external page CarboCount CH investigates two of the most important long-lived greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). With a spatial focus on Switzerland, the project will improve our understanding of biosphere-atmosphere exchange processes in a regional environment typical of the northern mid-latitudes. In addition, it will provide quantitative estimates of CO2 and CH4 fluxes in Switzerland through a unique combination of observations and models. These estimates will provide invaluable input to Swiss policy makers in the context of climate change, notably the Kyoto Protocol and ongoing post-Kyoto negotiations.
external page CarboCount CH is a collaborative project with 6 partners from Empa, ETH, University of Bern and the Centre for Climate Systems Modeling funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
CarboCount CH investigates human-related emissions and natural exchange between atmosphere and biosphere of the two most important long-lived greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in Europe and especially in Switzerland. CO2, which is emitted in vast amounts by fossil fuel burning, is partially absorbed by oceans and partially by the biosphere which uses CO2 for the production of organic material through photosynthesis. Atmospheric CO2 is therefore increasing at only about half the pace it would if all emitted CO2 remained in the atmosphere. It is highly uncertain, however, how the storage capacity of oceans and biosphere will evolve in the future under changing climatic conditions. CH4 is emitted from a variety of anthropogenic and natural sources and predictions of future CH4 levels are similarly uncertain as those for CO2.
Please visit the external page Official CarboCount CH website.
CarboCount CH is a collaborative "SNF Sinergia" project with the following 6 project partners
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Dr. Dominik Brunner: Project leader
Dr. Stephan Henne: Project scientist
Brian Oney: PhD student
ETH-IAC, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
Prof. Sonia Seneviratne: Co-PI
Dr. Edouard Davin: Co-PI
Stefanos Mystakidis: PhD student
Barla Vieli: Project scientist
ETH-UP, Environmental Physics
Prof. Nicolas Gruber: Co-PI
Yu Liu: PhD student
ETH-IAS, Grassland Sciences
Prof. Nina Buchmann: Co-PI
PD Dr. Werner Eugster: Co-PI
Dr. Ines Bamberger: Postdoc
University of Bern, Climate and Environmental Physics
Prof. Markus Leuenberger: Co-PI
Rüdiger Schanda: Technician/Hardware
Hanspeter Moret: Technician/Software
C2SM, Center for Climate Systems Modeling
Dr. Isabelle Bey: Co-PI
Anne Roches: Software, Support
Dr. Thierry Corti: Website, Support
In the framework of the CarboCount, a special seminar series about "Greenhouse gas fluxes and sinks" is organized jointly with the MAIOLICA-II project.