
Overall structure

C2SM currently includes 47 Members, which are professors or group leaders from the five partner institutions. They form the Plenary, which is the main governing body of C2SM and is responsible for developing the overall strategy.

The C2SM Community includes all the students, post-doctoral fellows, and technical and scientific staff of the Member's research group.

Eight Members elected by the Plenary form the Steering Committee. It is the executive body of C2SM who is in charge of implementing the strategy and overseeing the operations of the Executive Office.

The Scientific Advisory Board provides advices and recommendations on the past achievements and future development of C2SM.

Working Groups

The C2SM Community is organised in Working Groups (WG). Each WG is composed of a subset of the Community that share similar scientific interests and/or tools in four specific focus areas that centre around the four major themes of C2SM. Each WG is supported by several staff members of the Executive Office. The current focus areas include:

  • High Performance Computing
  • Atmospheric Modelling
  • Climate Scenarios
  • Impact Sciences

Working group meetings take place at an annual interval and are held at the C2SM Working Group Day. C2SM members can access the presentations and minutes of the past meetings at the C2SM intranet.

Further information on C2SM's services is available at the C2SM Service page and on the working group activities at the C2SM wiki.


  • Support requests by C2SM groups:
  • Working group task suggestions by C2SM groups:
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